“Friendly Association for Wholehearted Service” -Hartland Area Project slogan
In August 1930, three years after the development of Cromaine Library, Crouse initiated the second step in his plan to help the people of Hartland to help themselves. A committee was formed to make recommendations and suggestions in regard to policies, initiation and putting into operation educational services and the selection of personnel for the Hartland Area Project. The group completed a survey of the propose boundaries and recommended that the Hartland School District and the twelve to fourteen neighboring one-room school districts be invited to form the nucleus of the Hartland Area Project. The invitation was accepted.
An aerial survey of the area was made. The purpose was to lay out the land immediately west of the existing village, as an ideal village plan with special reference to creating a school and cultural center. The purpose was not to force or promote a new village, but rather to work out a carefully restricted plan so that any development, which might occur in the future, would be in the best accordance with the best standards of village planning, landscape, design and architecture.
On October 7, 1931, Crouse unveiled his Hartland Area Project. He felt that there were between thirty and forty activities that directly influenced community growth and improvement, which could be accelerated under carefully trained leadership.
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